
Photo courtesy of opensource obsure, Flickr
Photo courtesy of opensource obsure, Flickr

The master once met with some top scientists and technologists. He was shown the latest in television, radio and computer technology. “What are your thoughts on the progress of mankind?” they asked.

The master stared at a television set showing the latest newscast of a bitter war. He listened to the news on the radio about corrupt politicians abusing their power. He glanced at a computer screen streaming news from all over the world, mostly about hunger and poverty and depression.

“Progress?” said the master. “I think that it would be a very good idea. When do you plan to get started?”


Photo courtesy of alicepopkorn, Flickr
Photo courtesy of alicepopkorn, Flickr

A businessman came to the master and said, “I have not much time to come and listen to you for hours. Can you summarize for me the essence of becoming enlightened in a few brief paragraphs?”

The master replied, “Oh, I can do even better. I can summarize it all in one word.”

“Really?” said the businessman. “And what is that word?”

“Silence,” said the master.

“Hmmm, and how does one achieve silence?” said the businessman.

“By meditation,” said the master.

“And how does one meditate?” said the businessman.

“By being silent,” said the master.

And with that, he turned and walked away.

The Tiger and the Strawberry

Photo courtesy of waylett21,
Photo courtesy of waylett21,

Miko was hunting for food in the mountain forest when a tiger sprang from behind a bush and began to chase him. Miko ran as fast as he could, jumping over tangled roots and broken branches. Still the tiger pursued him relentlessly. He ran on until the path came to the edge of a ravine. He tried to control his footing but he slipped and went sailing off the edge. He flailed his arms through the air and caught hold of a vine.

So there he was, swinging on the vine. Above him, the tiger paced back and forth. Below him was a hundred foot drop straight to the rocks. As he looked around searching for some way out of his predicament, he saw a small bush hanging out from the side of the cliff. It was a strawberry bush and on it was a single red and ripe strawberry.

He plucked the strawberry from the bush and bit into it. Never before had a strawberry tasted so sweet.

No Fruit

Photo courtesy of ARG, Flickr
Photo courtesy of ARG, Flickr

The disciple approached the master and said, “I have been with you for fifteen years and yet it seems that my stay here has yielded no fruit.”

The master replied, “It is true that you have been with me for fifteen years. Yet I have observed that in all those years, you still seek to cling to something, whether to a word I speak or to some obscure passage of scripture. Learn to have the courage to let go completely. Fruit only comes when you are no longer timid enough to shake the tree.”

The Inn

Photo courtesy of Shayan (USA), Flickr
Photo courtesy of Shayan (USA), Flickr

The master came storming into the palace. So serious was his mien that none of the guards dared stop him. He came upon the throne room and faced the king.

“What is it you want?” said the king.

“I need a place to sleep in this inn,” replied the master.

“This is no inn,” replied the king. “This is my palace.”

“Who owned this palace before you?” asked the master.

“Why, my father, of course, who was king before I was,” replied the king.

“And before that?” asked the master again.

“Well, that would be my grandfather, my father’s father.” replied the king.

“I see,” said the master. “And this place where people stay for a while and then move on, did I hear you say it was not an inn?”